
Videos & Recordings on YouTube

The gongs sound worse on laptop speakers. I suggest using desktop computer speakers or headphones. Newer, and perhaps better sounding, files are at the top, with older ones at the bottom, below.

The three videos above were recorded at Mudshark Recording Studios in Flagstaff, Arizona. The audio was recorded and mixed separate from the video, which I took on a small, pocket camera. MP3 audio versions will be available soon.

MP3 files
(for download)


Combining the audio from the 3 Chakra videos at the top of this page.  Options: 

1. L-M-U - Lower (0-11 min) -Middle (11-22 min) - Upper (22-35 min) Chakras

2. U-M-L - Upper (0-13 min) -Middle (13-25 min) - Lower (25-36 min) Chakras

 3. M-U-L - Middle (0-12 min) - Upper (12-25 min) - Lower (25-36 min) Chakras

Kundalini Breath of Fire Gong Session (10 min, 29 sec) - also see the YouTube link below

Pancha Kosha
Yoga Sequence

This is the yoga sequence I did for the final session in my Yoga Teacher Training class on July 19, 2020 ➡